Suorahaku eli headhunting tavoittaa huippuosaajat ja tekee rekrytoinnin helpommaksi

Executive search connects you with top professionals and simplifies the recruitment process

Simply put, companies usually look for a qualified and suitable person for leadership or key positions. Finding someone qualified is reasonably difficult, but finding the right fit is even more challenging—and that’s where we assist you.

This page provides a thorough overview of executive search, the phases of a recruitment project, and answers to frequently asked questions about headhunting.

Mitä suorahaku on

What is executive search, and when is it the ideal choice?

The executive search involves finding candidates without public job advertisements. The top talents are often already employed in interesting positions, not actively keeping an eye on job postings or contemplating a career move.

A headhunter tracks down potential candidates, knows how to spark the attention of high-level professionals, and presents the position compellingly and attractively.

Executive search helps you secure high-quality candidates for board positions, top executive roles, leadership teams, middle management, and expert roles.

It delivers results when you’re building a new team or business, when the right professionals are highly sought after or hard to find, or when your company lacks recognition. 

Miten suorahaku toimii

How does executive search work?

The executive search team works closely with the client. The ideal candidate profile is determined on an individual and strategic basis, aligned with the needs of the company, and candidate lists are reviewed jointly during the project.

In addition to executive search consultants, the search team includes a talent sourcing consultant, who specialises in exploring the talent market, and a project manager.

A professional executive search team:

Provides a broad pool of candidates, high-quality and diverse applicants, and the best fit for the role

A significant quality of an executive search partner is the ability to find suitable talents who are not actively looking for a new position—in addition to active job seekers. A skilled executive search team can effectively communicate the position compellingly and confidentially and has the expertise to verify the capabilities and fit of the candidate.

Headhunting provides access to qualified, diverse, and motivated candidates, even when finding the ideal candidate for the position is demanding or the recruitment resources of the company are limited. An executive search partner brings solid business and industry expertise to support the search for the right person.

Reduces recruitment errors and prevents business stagnation

A recruitment gone wrong is always a waste of resources for the company—and at worst, a nightmare. Even if it doesn’t rock the entire boat, business slows down and suffers when a key position remains vacant, or the selected person turns out to be unsuitable.

The executive search team offers valuable insight, experience, and additional hands-on support to the process when you need to be certain of the right choice or when the recruitment is time-sensitive.

Cuts down on time and effort by delivering a swift and high-quality recruitment process

Executive search consultants are recruitment professionals, capable of executing the search process effectively, saving the company time and effort on tasks such as profiling, advertising, responding to additional inquiries, screening candidates, checking references, and conducting

Acts as a brand ambassador for the company

Top candidates won’t rush into a new company without careful consideration and a positive impression. The headhunter acts as a brand ambassador for the employer presenting the role positively and honestly, and engaging with candidates in a human, person-to-person manner.

A positive candidate experience contributes to a strong employer image. It draws in new talent and leaves candidates with a good impression of the company, even when they are not the final choice.  

The company receives valuable, authentic feedback on its employer branding through conversations with candidates. 

”Tahan tulee referenssiteksti. Mikali suinkin mahdollista, kannattaa suositukset pyytaa jostakin tietysta kulmasta pyytamalla suosituksen antajaa vastaamaan kysymykseen.”

Sulo Suosittelija

Suosittelijayritys Oy

Suorahaku usein kysytyt kysymykset eli kaikki mitä haluat kysyä suorahakukonsultilta

FAQ— All you want to ask an executive search consultant

Do not hesitate to ask—we are happy to discuss the challenges and goals you have for executive search and recruitment, confidentially.

Book a meeting with Tuomas

What if there will be no candidates?

We will find the candidate once we begin the project. You’ll get a truly dedicated team that does not give up, even when finding candidates is highly demanding. We also know our limits and don’t engage in projects where we lack relevant industry expertise.

What if the candidate leaves a month after being hired?

Whatever the reason, we will conduct a replacement search at no additional cost. Our service always comes with a 1-year guarantee, without exceptions.

Can a small team provide an executive search for a big organisation?

Every search is a single, focused effort, regardless of the size of the organisation. You’ll always have a team of 4 top professionals for your recruitment project.

We have extensive experience working with companies of all sizes from publicly listed enterprises to startups. We serve each client with the same refined process, enabling us to manage multiple searches simultaneously while maintaining the same high level of quality.

Mikä tekee suorahakukonsultista hyvän?

Tiimityöskentely pesee yksilösuorittamisen ja siksi hyvä suorahakukonsultti = hyvä suorahakutiimi, johon myös asiakas kuuluu tiiviisti.

Tiiminä työskennellessä onnistuminen ei ole kiinni yhden ihmisen osaamisesta. Asiakkaan tavoitteita ja tarpeita on kuuntelemassa useammat korvat. Vaikeista tilanteista voidaan keskustella ja ongelmia ratkoa yhdessä. Siksi kaikki hakuprojektimme ovat tiimityötä.

Jos pohdit sopivan suorahakukumppanin valintaa, niin lue Suorahaku – Ostajan oppaamme. Kokosimme oppaaseen tärkeimmät asiat, jotka suorahakutiimiä valitessa kannattaa selvittää.

Miksi suorahaku maksaa niin paljon?

Siksi, että saat neljän huippuammattilaisen tiimin tekemään rekrytointiasi. Suorahaun ja julkisen työpaikkailmoittelun välinen suurin ero on kandien laadukkuudessa ja soveltuvuudessa.

Suorahaku ei ole tusinatuotantoa, jossa haastatteluun otetaan 10 ensimmäistä kohdalle sattunutta kandia tai persoonatonta ilmoituksella hakemista, vaan tehtävän tarpeet yksilöllisesti huomioon ottava prosessi, jossa jokainen kandi on huolellisesti analysoitu ja henkilökohtaisesti valittu. Haussa keskitytään piirteisiin, jotka ovat paljon syvemmällä kuin mitä työpaikkailmoituksella koskaan pystytään määrittelemään.

Vaikka suorahaku on merkittävä investointi, olemme kuitenkin ketterä yritys, jonka kanssa et maksa mistään turhasta. Kun rekrytoitavan henkilön osaaminen ja soveltuvuus ei ole yhdentekevää, suorahaku on kaikesta huolimatta kustannustehokas ratkaisu, joka sekä tuottaa laadukkaita kandeja että säästää rekryprosessiin kuluvan ajan ja vaivan.

Miten soveltuvuusarviointi tehdään ja onko siitä oikeasti mitään hyötyä?

Soveltuvuusarvioinnin painoarvo päätöksenteossa on 10-20 % välissä. Se ei ole kristallipallo, vaan useimmiten tukee näkemystä, joka hakijasta on jo muodostunut. Toisinaan arvioinnissa kuitenkin nousee esiin piirteitä, joita ei ole huomattu aikaisemmin, ja joskus soveltuvuusarviointi voi estää virherekrytoinnin. Asiat, jotka nousevat esiin arvioinnissa, tulevat esiin myös koeajan aikana.

Soveltuvuusarviointi antaa yritykselle vinkkejä henkilön johtamiseen ja siihen, kuinka henkilön potentiaali ja parhaat puolet saadaan esiin. Lisäksi se tukee hakijan ammattitaidon kehittämistä antamalla ulkopuolisen ammattilaisen arvion henkilökohtaisista vahvuuksista ja kehityskohteista.

Suorahakutoimiston projektiin soveltuvuusarviointi kuuluu optiona eli sitä ei ole välttämätöntä sisällyttää hakuun. Voit ostaa arvioinnin meiltä myös erikseen.

Mitä soveltuvuusarviointityökalua käytätte?

Meillä on käytössä kaikki SHL:n arviointityökalut, joiden olemme todenneet olevan markkinoiden parhaita: riittävän syvällisiä, mutta ilman turhia elementtejä. Testitulokset käydään kasvotusten läpi ensin arvioitavan, ja sen jälkeen toimeksiantajan kanssa.

Mikä off-limits -käytäntönne on?

Annamme hakusuojan koko yritykselle vuoden ajaksi.

Suorahaku keskustelu

Your success is our top priority, and we drive your search to completion with commitment and determination.

If you’re considering recruitment, contact Tuomas at +358 400 101 200 or schedule a meeting using the button below.

Book a meeting

Our executive search process is a project with a clear beginning and closure.

Our executive search project is refined and designed to be straightforward, transparent, and seamless. It includes everything necessary, leaving out the unneeded and ensuring the same high standard for all our clients. We keep you updated on the progress of the project and provide clear reporting at every stage of the process.

Brief: The foundation of success

A successful project starts with a comprehensive, personalized, and strategic approach. Together, we will review the expectations for the role and gain a deep understanding of the strategy, culture, values, and operating environment of your company.

A well-defined role and a detailed candidate profile make the requirements clear—the type of person you are looking for and the demands of the position. We also help provoke fresh thinking and challenge you to consider the definitions from fresh, strategically important angles. The project timeline is scheduled right at the kick-off meeting.

Profiles: Sourcing potential candidates

Through a systematic process, we seek individuals with impressive profiles and explore companies and organizations likely to house suitable candidates. The search involves public databases, proprietary databases of our company, Suorahakutoimisto Ispa Finland, and our extensive professional network.

Long List: Candidate Presentation

We present the Long List candidates at the agreed time, gather your feedback, and conduct additional research if necessary. We will review the results together before moving forward with candidate contact.

Contacting: Candidate interviews

We interview the candidates sourced through executive search who match the requirements. The interviews cover the goals and expectations of the position as well as the professional backgrounds of the candidates. We pay close attention to their motivation, ambition, and suitability. We evaluate the qualities of the candidates against the position requirements and goals, strategy, and culture of your company.

Short List: Candidates

We present the candidates who meet the requirements for the role along with our recommendations for individuals to move forward to client interviews. In our meeting, we review the strengths and areas for development of each candidate concerning the position and its objectives.

Client interviews

After client interviews, we make decisions on possible suitability assessments and extended interviews. We also interview the reference providers. You get a report of interviews with reference providers.

Option: Suitability assessments

In the suitability assessments of shortlisted candidates, we seek to answer any questions left open from the interviews and evaluate the psychological and cognitive fit of the candidates for the role.

Final selection

We assist you in any way you need during the final candidate selection.

Selkeä, huolellinen ja hyvin johdettu suorahakuprojekti

No hassle, no fuss. A clear, thorough, and well-managed executive search project brings the right person to you.

Give a call at +358 400 101 200 or schedule a conversation with Tuomas using the button below.

Book a meeting
”Tahan tulee referenssiteksti. Mikali suinkin mahdollista, kannattaa suositukset pyytaa jostakin tietysta kulmasta pyytamalla suosituksen antajaa vastaamaan kysymykseen.”

Sini Suosittelija

Suosittelijayritys Oy